Residency Application Dashboard Template
4th Year is confusing. Choosing programs is a daunting ask. How can you make evidence based decisions with so much, yet so little information?
This notion template helps you curate information from Freida, Residency Explorer, Doximity, and other resources to create a list of all the programs you’re interested in. Use the power of Notion databases to see your programs organized differently depending on the need all throughout your Notion residency dashboard.

Bring together all your potential residency programs into one master database.
Collect information from around the web and have it all in one place.
Add all the qualities about each program that you care about.
Integrated calendar with all dates for interviews, open houses, resident socials.
Included Easy Scheduler makes scheduling simpler.
M4 Rotation and Sub-I Planner
Plan VSLO, M4 rotations, and prepare for your Sub-I’s.
Take control of your residency application process, from ERAS to Rank List
Make the residency application process less stressful with this Notion template designed by med students, for med students.
Includes capabilities for dual applicants and advanced program applicants
Configurability and customizability to add properties and databases for your needs
Integrated/linked databases to connect all the required data

Duplicate this template.
To use this template, make sure you’ve first created a notion account and learned how to duplicate a page. Then click the link below to get the template.